February 13, 2025

Official Records

For information on Property Fraud Alert click here.

The Clerk of Court is custodian of a large volume and variety of records. We are the custodian of all financial related records, all court records, and all other records having to do with land ownership such as deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, etc. Our Official Records department also oversees other functions such as tax deeds, marriage licenses, and passport applications.

These official records are a public record and you can view them in two ways:



The Official Records Department is pleased to offer e-Recording through Simplifile!  Check out:  https://simplifile.com/

Notice of the right of any affected party to request removal of certain chapter 119 information of records

Any person has a right to request that a county recorder remove, from a publicly available Internet website, information made exempt from inspection or copying under Florida Statute 119.071 or an image or copy of a public record, including an official record, if that image or copy is of a military discharge; death certificate, or a court file, record or paper relating to matters or cases governed by the Florida Rules of Family Law, the Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure, or the Florida Probate Rules.  However, grantor, grantee or party names may not be removed from the Official Records index.  Requests must be notarized, state the statutory basis for removal, and confirm the individual’s eligibility for exemption.  To make a request contact the clerk’s office by mail or in person at:

Liberty County Clerk’s Office
10818 NW SR 20
Bristol, Florida 32321

(850) 643-2215

Email:  jbarker@libertyclerk.com

The request to redact form can be found here:  Open Request Redaction PDF (in a new tab)

Notice of the right of any affected party to request the addition of information to a publicly available internet website

Any affected person has a right to request that a county recorder of clerk of the court add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for an injunction for the protection of a minor under Florida Statute; 741.30, s. 784.046, or s. 784.0485 is entered, unless the respondent is a minor. The request must be in writing and contain the case number.  To make a request contact the clerk’s office by mail or in person at:

Liberty County Clerk’s Office
10818 NW SR 20
Bristol, Florida 32321

(850) 643-2215 Email:  jbarker@libertyclerk.com