February 13, 2025

COVID-19/Corona Virus Emergency Procedures

Posted March 19, 2020

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization, extra safety precautions are being taken. As of 6/10/20, The Clerk’s Office Lobby is open to the public, limited to one (1) customer at a time, and subject to CDC guidelines. Staff will also be available to answer any questions by telephone or to assist with the essential or critical court proceedings, as required. The Clerk’s Office will continue to provide the following essential or critical court proceedings as ordered in Administrative Order #2020-03, 2020-04, 2020-05, and 2020-23:

  • First Appearance Hearings;
  • Criminal Arraignments, as necessary;
  • Hearings on motions to set or modify monetary bail for individuals who are in custody;
  • Juvenile dependency shelter & arraignment hearings, including shelter reviews;
  • Juvenile delinquency detention & arraignments hearings;
  • Hearings on petitions for temporary injunctions relating to safety of an individual;
  • Hearings on petitions for risk protection orders;
  • Hearings on petitions for the appointment of an emergency temporary guardian;
  • Hearings to determine whether an individual should be involuntarily committed under the Baker Act or Marchman Act;
  • Hearings on petitions for extraordinary writs as necessary to protect constitutional rights;
  • Hearings on petitions for Judicial waiver of notice pursuant to section 390.01114(4) Florida Statutes, and;
  • Hearings related to the state of emergency or the public health emergency, including, but limited to proceedings related to violation of quarantine or isolation, violation of orders to limit travel, violation of orders to close public & private buildings, and enforcement of curfew orders.

All court-ordered fines and fees can be made over the telephone by credit card or by check mailed to Liberty County Clerk of Court, P.O. Box 399, Bristol, FL 32321. Personal checks cannot be accepted for payment of a traffic fine. You may also make payments by going to the Clerk’s website at www.libertyclerk.com, pay traffic ticket link.

We strongly encourage individuals with traffic tickets or other outstanding court-ordered financial obligations, who are facing a hardship, to contact our office at the following numbers:

(850) 643-2215 or (850) 643-2237 or by email at info@libertyclerk.com.